Student Discipline
In every effort to ensure that each student at Saddleback receives an opportunity to learn, each classroom teacher will establish procedures, routines, and other rules for the classroom.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Saddleback will continue to use and implement the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) program. Our school-wide expectations are that our students will:
The purpose of PBIS is to educate, encourage, model, and reinforce positive behaviors. We cannot expect that all students will come to us knowing our behavioral expectations. The Saddleback staff will teach, model, and reinforce our expectations using hallway and classroom displays. It is important that we teach our students what type of behavior is expected while they are at school. Our students come to us with many different experiences, cultures, and backgrounds. Our goal is to teach our students how to be responsible, be safe, and be respectful each and every day.
PBIS Behavior Management System
Teacher- Managed Behaviors
All teachers utilize classroom-level plans to promote appropriate behaviors and deter inappropriate behaviors. Teachers will notify individual students of inappropriate behavior and will take action accordingly. The following progression of consequences is as follows:
After two reflections, the student is disqualified from participating in the monthly Saddleback Fun Day. However, once a new month begins, students are given a clean slate and can work towards the current month’s Saddleback Fun Day.
Office Managed Behaviors
Students that fail to respond to classroom interventions will be given an office referral. Students referred to the office for chronic misbehavior and severe offenses will receive the following progression of consequences:
Administrative discretion will be exercised in some cases depending on the number of times the student has been sent to the office and the circumstances of the behavior.
PBIS Reward System
“Character No Matter What” tickets are given to students for following the 3 school-wide expectations; being responsible, being respectful, and being safe. Each week, two students from each classroom will be randomly picked to be recognized on the Saddleback News Network. In addition to recognition on the Saddleback News Network, students can work towards the following incentives:
10 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Certificate from the Principal and a Pencil
20 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Character Bracelet and Name on Super Hero Wall
30 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Play with the Principal
40 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Caught Being Good backpack tag
50 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Character Matters backpack tag
60 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Character Necklace
70 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Handprint on Cafeteria Wall
80 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Water Bottle
90 “Character No Matter What Tickets”: Character T-Shirt
Above 90 “Character No Matter What Tickets: Character Counts All-Star Bash
Grade levels can earn rewards by accumulating as many “Character No Matter What” tickets as possible. The tickets are to be turned in to the office each week by the end of the day on Friday. The tickets that are turned in each week will be counted by the front office. A grade level total will be calculated. This total will be used for the “Saddleback Has Character” graph that will be displayed on the wall on the cafeteria stage. For every 10 tickets that the grade level receives, a stallion will be added to the graph for your grade level. The grade level that has the most stallions at the end of the quarter will receive an extra recess and a treat. The administration will supervise students during this time, so teachers can have extra prep.
Monthly Fun Friday’s will be used for the school-wide incentive. If students have more than two reflections, in-school or out of school suspension for the month, they cannot attend Fun Friday. These students will report to the library.
1:40-Dance Party
1:45-2:45-Class activity
It is our hope that our students here at Saddleback exhibit great character on a daily basis and strive to become the best that they can. At Saddleback, it is expected that the discipline of students is done in a respectful manner while giving every child due process and maintaining a system that is fair and equitable.
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
- Be Safe
- 1st Offense: Reflection Form (warning)
- 2nd Offense: Reflection Form (consequence at the discretion of the teacher)*
- 3rd Offense: Reflection Form (parent contact by teacher/consequence at the discretion of the teacher)
- 4th Offense: Office Referral
- 1st Offense: Lunch detention (misbehavior letter from administration will be sent home)
- 2nd Offense: In-School Suspension (ISS) (ISS parent letter sent home and phone call from administration)
- 3rd Offense: Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) (OSS parent letter sent home and parent phone call from administration)